To better serve you, all livestock must have an appointment for processing. We are a small establishment and must adhere to a tight schedule.
We highly recommend making your fall appointments as soon as possible.
*Blood Farm does not process deer*
Please notify Blood Farm at least one week prior to your appointment date if you need to cancel or reschedule your slaughter appointment.
Product not picked up within 5 business days will be subject to a storage fee.
Animals must be trucked to Blood Farm in a covered enclosure, with adequate ventilation, so they are unable to jump out. We will not accept animals that arrive in a U-Haul. (U-Hauls are not designed to transport animals.)
Notice beef customers: Blood Farm will no longer accept any LONG HORN BEEF (Scotch Highlander, Texas Longhorn). In order for us to accept these beef, the horns must be removed or cut down short before arrival. Customers must request hides to be returned at the time of drop off to a member of the slaughter floor team.
Notice lamb/goat customers: please make sure your animals are dry for the day of your appointment. If they are soaking wet we may not be able to process them for several days and you could be turned away. Customers must request pelts to be returned at the time of drop off to a member of the slaughter floor team. Thank you for your cooperation.
Blood Farm will not accept any livestock we find too wild to be handled safely and humanely.
Please note, that Blood Farm requires your completed cutting instructions for each animal on or before your slaughter appointment date. Failure to do so may result in you receiving standard cuts. Thank you for your understanding.
Livestock Tracking System
When your animal arrives at Blood Farm, you are met at the pen room door by a trained employee. They will assist you in unloading into our pens. Your animals go into their own pens. They are never corralled with other unfamiliar livestock. This avoids undo stress on the animal. Your name address and phone number are entered into a pen book that identifies your animal’s pen number. This identification will follow your livestock throughout the processing chain. There are numerous checks and balances in place to ensure that you receive the same product that you brought in.
All smoked meat is done at owner's risk. Smoked meat is not USDA inspected. Smoked meat and fresh sliced bacon is stamped "Not For Sale". We do not cryovac smoked meat.
Blood Farm recommends white freezer paper for packaging. Blood Farm is not responsible for broken cryovac packages after they leave our facility. Cryovac packages marked "not for sale" will be charged for printed labels. Thank you.
Slaughter Schedule:
Monday- Hogs
Tuesday- Lamb/Sheep/Goat
Wednesday- Beef/Veal
Thursday- Hogs
Friday- Beef/Veal
Appointment Number:
PHONE: 978-448-6669
Drop Off Address
94 West Main Street, West Groton, Ma 01472
We will contact you when your meat is ready for pickup.